2:40—ripping out and reknitting yarn; how much is too much?
4:38—cable pillow KAL part 4
5:17—Suzanne shows us her cable KAL panels, with embroidery
11:38—why the gauge is different when knitting flat vs knitting in the round
20:27—online version of Knitting Boot Camp
21:28—best stitch patterns to use to practice tightening stitches “Enlarged Knits Before Purls” video -
22:54—cast on’s; advantages of long tail vs other cast on’s and why it’s the industry standard
25:49—BOOKS: “Cast On, Bind Off” one by Leslie Ann Bestor, one by Cap Sease. Great books that give pro’s and con’s and best uses for them.
27:09—BOOK: “Reader’s Digest Knitter’s Handbook” by Montse Stanley. Great basic knitting book. The cast on and bind off section is very informative.
30:02—blocking your knits; stretch them or pat in place?
32:02—changing needle size to correct stitch differential of stitch patterns
33:47—blocking cables; why would you stretch them?
35:48—Suzanne is taking a cruise in August. She tells us all the places she will visit.
39:16—Suzanne talks about the upcoming Fall sweater KAL
41:28—other names for the long tail cast on
42:13—BOOK: “Vogue Knitting; The Ultimate Knitting Book” by the editors of Vogue Knitting. A great basic knitting book.
44:48—are any books needed for the Fall sweater KAL?
48:07—tightening stitches; see time stamp 21:28
49:14—what will we learn in the Fall sweater KAL?
50:20—knitting stripes and carrying the yarn
51:07—using DPN’s instead of two circulars for knitting the Undulance #2 socks
52;37—are we using Ann Budd’s book for the Fall sweater KAL?
Where to find me -
Knitting with Suzanne Bryan -
Knitting with Suzanne Bryan on Ravelry -
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KnittingSuzanne on Ravelry -
Suzanne's Blog -
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